3 Security Hacks to Protect Your Business Computer Networks

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3 Security Hacks to Protect Your Business Computer Networks

29 November 2021
 Categories: Technology, Blog

Many businesses rely on computer networks to maintain a connection between their shared computers and other devices. However, possessing private and crucial data, including business secrets, employee information and customer information, can make your business a target for cybersecurity attacks. That's why protecting your business networks is vital. Fortunately, you can do this in many ways. Therefore, if you are wondering how to keep your business computer networks safe from cybersecurity attacks, here is a quick guide to help you.

Centralise Your Security Systems

Centralising your security systems, especially sign-on security systems, is one of the many ways to secure your business computer networks. It works by preventing unauthorised devices from joining your business network. Generally, centralised security systems require users, usually the employees and other parties authorised to access your business network, to authenticate their access using specific passwords. The passwords are then checked against an established network directory, blocking unauthorised devices from joining the network.

Set Up A VPN (Virtual Private Network)

Virtual private networks are also other practical solutions to securing your business computer networks. They work by encrypting all the internet connections and data being transferred through your network. In addition, a virtual private network can disconnect devices connected to your network when there's no protection connection. Therefore, virtual private networks add an extra layer of security to your business network by masking IP addresses during browsing and keeping critical information like passwords from potential hackers.

A VPN is particularly handy when accessing critical business files over unsecured or public networks. Worth noting is that setting up your own VPN can sometimes be expensive. Therefore, if you are a start-up or run a small business and cannot afford one, you can consider working with a reputable VPN service provider.

Secure Your Wi-Fi

Safeguarding your Wi-Fi network can also go a long way in helping you keep your business' network from potential attacks by cybercriminals. Therefore, start by ensuring that you use a firewall to keep all data passing through the Wi-Fi network encrypted. In addition, use encrypted protocols for passwords on your business network routers. An excellent option to consider is Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA). If you need other parties besides your employees to access your business network for various purposes, consider setting up a second public Wi-Fi option. For instance, your suppliers, vendors, customers, etc., may need to access your business for various reasons. Allowing them to use your private, secure network can make your sensitive business data vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

If you need business IT solutions, talk to an IT company in your area.